The Squaxin Island Tribe has a unique relationship with natural resources and a deep understanding of the sciences, such as precise knowledge of ocean currents and tides, weather patterns and changes, natural medicines, marine biology and even engineering, as evidenced by complex fishing structures and equipment. Many tribal members continue to make their livelihood through salmon, geoduck and clam fisheries.
The strong connection between the seven inlets of South Puget Sound and the Squaxin Island Tribe - People of the Water - is the core theme that is presented in all exhibits and galleries throughout the Museum Library and Research Center. As a living eco-museum, the Museum Library Research Center shows how nature and Squaxin Island Tribal culture relate. Key topics, such as our prehistoric and present day aquatics-centered lifestyles, timber/wild game harvest and management techniques, oral history and legends, the Treaty of Medicine Creek, religious practices and arts, all highlight this link with nature and the inland sea.
The Squaxin Island Museum Library and Research Center (MLRC) tells the story of the People of the Water through a series of exhibits and displays depicting the relationship between Squaxin Island Tribal members and the seven inlets of South Puget Sound. You may also experience the rich culture by participating in cultural activities and special events.
The Museum Library and Research Center also features a public library and a specialty gift shop specializing in Squaxin Island and other Native American art and literature.
Squaxin Island Tribe3591 Old Olympic Highway
Shelton, Washington 98584
- BIPOC owned