History Talk, Schmidt House, 330 Schmidt Pl SW, Tumwater
Noon, Thursday, March 6
Generationally-Linked Archaeology in Our Region
Noted anthropologist and archaeologist Dr. Dale Croes has spent over 40 years studying Northwest Coast basketry and cordage. He and Salishan Master Basketmaker Ed Carriere have co-authored a book on Salish Sea basketry which traces the evolution of traditional Northwest Coast basketmaking from thousands of years ago to contemporary times. Dr. Croes will explain how basketry offers a tangible connection to the past. Attendees may each bring one basket for Dr. Croes to identify after the talk. Also available for sale will be the Croes/Carriere book on the history of basketry.
Attendance is free. Doors open at 11:30 AM. First come, first seated until room capacity is reached.
For more info:
Karen Johnson, Curator
Olympia Tumwater Foundation